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5-Point Friday Sept 18th, 2015

Happy Friday, I hope you enjoyed last weeks 5-Point Friday post!  I’m playing with subjects week to week.

Hope this post lifts you and motivates you.  A little cheer, a little wisdom never hurt anyone.

1)Positive Thought:

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
—–Winston Churchill

2)Health News:  This week I gave 3 seminars on the risks of poly-pharmacy.  The sessions were well received by attendees and I am currently processing the video versions of these talks and I hope to share with the NRGTRIBE followers in the coming weeks. My research for this talk confirmed my belief that, “Health doesn’t come from a bottle.”

As a teaser, check out this post which served as a primer for the live events.

Polypharmacy:  Adventures in Legal Drug Dealing

3)A Year Ago: About this time last year I was writing about the upcoming changes to DEA regulation of hydrocodone. Since that time I’ve seen a huge drop in usage of this heavily prescribed Narcotic.  I’ve used the change in regulation to raise awareness to the risk of taking hydrocodone without pursing alternatives.   I am continually shocked at how many patients do not realize hydrocodone lowers testosterone, affects brain hormones, and can even lead to greater sensitivity to pain.

4)What I’m reading: Food, Inc—This book continues to reinforce my belief that we must reclaim our right to healthy food.  We as a community must recognize food can heal and it can kill.  As a physician I am reminded my mission should be to emphasize healthy behaviors and diet…not simply treat symptoms and react to illness.

5)Health Nugget: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprout, Kale, Cabbage and Collard Greens are all Cruciferous vegetables.  They have strong positive health benefits.  I often recommend them as a nutritional strategy for detoxification and cancer prevention.  As a bonus several of them are fairly easy to grow in a fall garden!  If you can’t stand eating them….message me below I’ll throw out additional options that give similar benefit!

As always, leave comments, ask questions, share ideas!

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Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend!

W. Curtis, MD

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