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Sugar Feeds Cancer

In my opinion it’s still a little known fact that eating sugar contributes to cancer.

I have long taught my patients that avoiding sugar has numerous health benefits.  However, for patients I treat with existing cancer I routinely teach them that “Sugar feeds Cancer.”

You want to defeat cancer?  You must eliminate processed sugar.

There have been numerous articles pointing this direction for a long time.  Recent research documented in the Molecular Cell journal, explores parts of the link between cancer and eating sugar.  The article is technical so I shall translate the medical-speak.

Beta-Catenin is an important cellular product and a widely recognized marker for poor cancer prognosis (Higher risk of cancer, worse outcomes).    It drives cancer cell accumulation and slows the ability for the body to recognize abnormal cells–thereby allowing them to survive.   Beta-Catenin also plays an important role in pathways related to fat and sugar metabolism within cells.

In summary, the research cited in Molecular Cell, suggests that eating sugar triggers pathways and gene expression that enhance the tendency for cancer to develop and proliferate.

Research is beginning to chip away at anti-fat dogma as well explain my clinical experience that links sugar and cancer together.  I hope you will take this pearl and use it to tweak nutritional habits.

The “Holy Grail” in medicine = Patients realizing they can shape their own health in major ways.

Proper Nutrition ideas?  See NRG 101

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