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Fitness Motivation Series: Major Christopher Story

This month the NRGTRIBE focuses on the value of fitness.  I had the unique pleasure interviewing my friend and NRG contributor, Major Christopher Story. Chris serves his country as a United States Marine and has a unique fitness challenge in the coming weeks.

This year Chris turns 40.   A big landmark for many, but for a Marine, it also means taking another yearly PFT (Personal Fitness Exam).

Marines of course have high fitness standards, Chris thought this year he would attempt a perfect score on the test.  A perfect score is no small feat for any Marine but Major Story knows at 40 he will need to focus his efforts, build on his strengths and smartly prepare his mind and body for the event.  I think this venture will provide great discussion for readers while we explore his approach to the PFT.

Chris will take the PFT in the coming weeks so leading up to that expect a series of posts exploring his approach to training and nutrition.

Keep reading to see Part#1 of my Q&A with Chris as we discuss his motivations and plan to earn a perfect score on his PFT.

Q & A with Major Christopher Story

Dr. C:  Explain the Personal Fitness Test what it means for you and your career?

Maj. StoryWhen you become an Officer of Marines, they drill into you Ductus Exemplo, “lead by example”. Whether you are a 21 year old 2nd Lt or a 40 year old Major it doesn’t matter, you have to be as close to a perfect score as possible.

Dr.C:  What is a perfect score?  IF this is your goal, why?

Maj.Story:  300 is a perfect score. You have to max each event (pull ups, crunches, 3 mile run) so you have to be well rounded. Besides seeing above, I think maxing out the event at 40 and on the downhill of my career would be a great achievement and inspire younger Marines.

Dr.C:  What will be your biggest challenges…at least predict the biggest obstacles?

Maj.Story:  I think the biggest challenge for me is time. I have a big job, 3 young kids, and my wife is going through chemotherapy in her fight against breast cancer.

Dr.C:  How do you plan to train?

Maj.Story:  I plan to train 4-5 days a week for about an hour per session. Most days I will run and do some kind of functional strength training (Crossfit, kettlebells, body weight calisthenics).

Dr.C:  How much do you believe mental preparation/mindset plays in approaching this type of goal…especially at 40?

Maj.Story:   I would say over 50% because research tells us that our physical  potential declines very gradually with age. Also, I think the better shape you are in, the more age is just a number.

This series of posts documenting Major Story’s personal challenge is very touching to me.   On so many levels I appreciate the attitude, drive, and conviction of a man serving his country.  On another level, in my fourth decade I can appreciate the fog of age which makes your limits more and less defined.

I also know how committed this marine is to his family.  I immediately thought…”This man has so many reasons in his life to simply…Skate-by.”  He’s nearly 40, he has 3 kids, his wife has cancer, he works full time…etc.

What’s his response?

Strive for excellence, inspire others, and achieve by pushing past barriers!

We could all learn something from his full throttle approach to life.

I look forward to bringing you updates on this important journey.   Feel free to leave comments, words of encouragement, and of course questions as we explore the training, nutrition and decisions that will shape his PFT outcome.

Lastly, SHARE this important journey with others in need of motivation!

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • michelle feiler February 16, 2014, 6:38 pm

    I know the personal dedication and commitment that Chris makes to his family and his country. He is a true inspiration to anyone that has the pleasure of knowing him. He has inspired me at age 57 to be in the best shape of my life. I have no doubt that Chris is up for the challenge. Best of luck! Semper Fi

    • William Curtis MD February 26, 2014, 7:55 pm

      Copy that! Proud to call him a friend! I’m also impressed to hear about your fitness! Keep up the good work. I too believe Chris will hit the mark on the PFT. I’m looking forward to his updates.

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