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Diabetes Podcast: Ask the Low Carb Expert








Per many requests from Tribe members, I’ve added the link to my recent interview with low carb warrior Jimmy Moore on his “Ask the Low Carb Expert” podcast.  The interview was fun and the folks writing in had great questions.   We had a great time exploring nutritional approaches to diabetes management and cure.

If you have questions about diabetes or blood sugar issues…this is a worthwhile listen!

Ask the LowCarb Expert Podcast Link

I encourage you to follow Jimmy’s podcast.  He always has great questions and informative experts.


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  • aj October 20, 2013, 11:57 am

    Dr. Curtis,
    Really enjoyed the podcast-thank you! The comments about how some have gone “PC” low carb (eating lean meats and low-fat products instead of enjoying the benefits of healthy/ full-fats)- great insight.
    I have started a blog of my own but now I am considering becoming the highfatoptometrist-haha! If you don’t mind, I will attach this website in a link (considering whether I want to put it in nutritional category or general or fitness or diabetes…hmmm)
    http://lowcarboptometrist.blogspot.com/hanks again!

    • William Curtis October 22, 2013, 1:20 pm

      Thanks for the feedback on the Jimmy Moore Podcast. The NRGTRIBE does frequently focus on nutrition. However, the site is more robust in that I will cover lifestyle, fitness, and related topics. Either category, I appreciate your interest and I’ll keep an eye out for your blog. Keep up the good work!


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