Happy Friday the 13th! Time-space-continuity and limited personal bandwidth kept me from posting last week’s 5-Point Friday….I’m sure you know the feeling!
I hope your week finds you strong and moving towards better health, productivity, and fitness!
1)Positive Thought:
Progress is man’s ability to complicate simplicity.
–Thor Heyerdahl
2)A Picture Worth a Thousand words: 
3)What I’m Reading:
Enduring effects of concussion in youth athletes–Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
I’m building a pile of current research and insight on the ongoing issue of sports related concussion injuries. One of my next upcoming articles will cover this topic in detail. Of course I’m interested in the science of injury prevention, but also concerned about the integrity of sports that rule changes and restrictions can cause.
4)Thoughts I’m Pondering:
Where will Telemedicine be in 5 years?
Every week a new article comes out touting both the benefits of Telemedicine (Virtual Visits) and the ever widening acceptance of this mode of healthcare delivery. While now an answer for all medical complaints or visits, I have long seen the wisdom and efficiency of this type of patient care access. My clinical team at Future Focus Family Medicine has been using Telemedicine over 2 years for certain minor, acute, or chronic issues.
My questions for readers….
Do you use Telemedicine services?
Do you believe insurance should cover this type of care?
5)Health Nugget:
Healthy Nutritional Sources of Vitamin D include:
- Salmon (especially wild-caught)
- Mackerel (especially wild-caught; eat up to 12 ounces a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that are low in mercury)
- Mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet light to increase vitamin D
- Cod liver oil
- Tuna canned in water
- Sardines canned in oil
- Milk or yogurt — (Preferably whole fat)
- Beef or calf liver
- Egg yolks (Yes Eggs are good for you)
- Cheese
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As always, leave comments, ask questions, share ideas!
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Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend!
W. Curtis, MD