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Diabetic Momentum Series: Overcoming Diet Frustration


“Damn, Doc, I love carbs!

–anonymous patient

At first I laughed when I heard this newly diagnosed diabetic make this announcement about his diet frustration.

I had my work cut out for me with this guy!

Many diabetics express the common frustration over a “Restricted diet.” [continue reading…]


Diabetic Momentum Series

I recently participated in the Diabetes Summit where I gave practical insight from a busy practice in the heart of Diabetic country.  I was grateful for the opportunity to share the stage with so many top doctors, nutritionists, and healers all passionate about Type 2 Diabetes.  I appreciate the supportive feedback received from listeners after the my interview on my clinical experiences treating Type 2 Diabetes. (T2DM)

I wanted to make the message clear–Diabetes–in many cases–can be cured.

[continue reading…]


Food for Thought

Maintaining order rather than correcting disorder is the ultimate principle of wisdom. To cure disease after it has appeared is like digging a well when one gets thirsty, or forging weapons after the war has already begun.

–Huangdi Neijing, 2nd Century BC


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Better Health Through Autosuggestion

A few weeks ago I gave a talk on autosuggestion, first used widely by Dr. Emil Coue’, the French Psychologist who popularized the concept of using conscious positive mantras to influence subconscious thought patterns.

He used this method to treat thousands of patients with apparently incurable conditions with considerable success.

This talk first aired on the 1440 Keys to Health segment of the Bob Jones Show during our weekly program.

This is a positive, upbeat exploration of the power of suggestion and the work of Dr. Emil Coue’




Fermented Food Blast From the Past


“Not all who wonder are lost” –J.R.R. Tolkien

I ventured into the health, wellness, and lifestyle blogging scene about 4 years ago.  I was eager to share the word about good nutrition, fitness, and how health/disease were in many ways choices.

So recently as I flipped through old posts (There are hundreds, check out the Archives)

I had a great “LOL” moment to discover the first post on the was a recipe for traditional sauerkraut.  

In 2016 we see mountains of evidence that makes us want to flock back to natural foods.  Think of all the current research on Gut Microbiomes, Live culture foods, Fecal transplants, and a host of fascinating new articles exploring human/bacteria interface!!!

And I  started my blog talking about Sauerkraut.

I’ve always said I don’t chase headlines.  Most of my posts stand should stand the test of time….I bet that Kraut recipe still tastes pretty good!

Let me know if you give it a try!!!   Better yet share your own recipe!!!

Home made Sauerkraut — January 2012