I hope your week finds you strong and moving towards better health, productivity, and fitness!
1)Thought of Day:
It is more necessary for the soul to be cured than the body; for it is better to die than to live badly.
2)What I am watching:
This video is one of the best “Academic” talks discussing the benefits of not only Ketogenic (High fat/low carb) diets, but also how this type of diet can improve disease and athletic performance. I thought the sound / microphone quality was a bit sub-par but just listen in a quiet place. This talk provides great insight and underscores fundamental changes in thought on nutrition and human performance.
3)What I’m Reading:
The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday — I have consistently found this daily meditative book a gem. Each day has a different “Wisdom Bomb” that seems to land just when I need it the most.
4)What I’m listening to:
Thank You For Being Late–An Optimist Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations by Thomas L. Friedman
I found this timely reminder about the pace of change and coming technology fascinating. Though I do not share his current assessment of some of the world’s politics and the global warming doctrine, I respect his well thought out positions. I love Audio books and this one is worth a listen.
5)Health Nugget:
Stress ranks in the top 5 reasons people present to my office. Patients do not always recognize stress but rather often present with neck pain, back pain, headaches, stomach aches etc. I counsel so much on stress that I thought this was a good time to raise awareness. I have collected a series of posts that explore topics related to health and stress. I invite you to check those out and share this free information with anyone that might benefit.
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Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend!
W. Curtis, MD