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Causes of Success and Failure

You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.  You’re on your own, and you know what you know.  And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Dr. Seuss


I have recently found myself researching the causes of success and failure. I began my research looking at athletic endeavors but found myself questioning even broader why some people succeed and some people fail at nearly everything they attempt.

Mark Divine (Navy Seal/Unbeatable Mind Academy/Sealfit) had an interesting take on success. He noted that failure stems from four key areas:

1)Intense negative mindset. This manifests as an intense ingrained system of beliefs that shade all behaviors, expectations, and action.

2)Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of unknown. Fear of losing Status Quo.

3)Illness or unfortunate life circumstance. This means essentially catastrophic bad luck that renders an individual unable to overcome or adhere to anything. (I think this area is very subjective but admittedly many do have such huge barriers here that I acknowledge the limitation.)

4)Lack of will, emotional/mental fortitude. Here we have individuals without the grey matter horsepower to succeed or lack of will / awareness to identify the difference between success and failure.

My question for readers….do you think these four areas cover most causes of failure?

So you understand, I am thinking about folks that have answers, maybe even have had success with things like diet, lifestyle, or fitness changes but ultimately fall back and fail.

In my daily walk this crosses my mind a lot with diabetics, folks with enormous stress, smokers, and others with preventable conditions that refuse to take the steps required for success in health.

What is your experience with success and failure?

What is your experience?

Send me your thoughts!


7 Causes of Insomnia–Part Two (Insomnia Series)

A well-spent day brings happy sleep.

Leonardo Da Vinci


So in part one of this three part series I shared problems associated with either too little or too much sleep.  I detailed how poor sleep quality deteriorates all aspect of our health, creativity, and resilency.

Today I plan to share my clinical experience detailing common causes of insomnia I have identified in my daily practice.  This post will give you a sneak peek at part three where we discuss practical and effective treatment strategies. [continue reading…]


Insomnia–Part One

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?

Ernest Hemingway 

Insomnia affects millions.  Sometimes the ineffective sleep occurs temporarily and sometimes problem lasts life-times.  Poor sleep robs vitality, sensibility, and creativity.  Poor sleep causes cascades of medical problems that sometimes seem remote and unrelated.  Insomnia represents one of the underecognized stressors to our system.

Sleep quality and insomnia research is an active field.  A quick google search for current insomnia research reveals numerous very current avenues of ongoing study.

Key areas of research include looking at the relationship between quantity and quality of sleep and several degenerative brain disorders such as:  alzheimers, general dementia, parkinsons disease, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Insomnia Negatives

First off, poor sleep affects immune function.  Poor immune function has a myriad of affects throughout the body.  Insomnia suffers have more illnesses, hypertension, weight problems, and cancer.  It’s no wonder our body craves sleep when we’re sick according to this latest research.

Insomnia affects memory later in life.  Recent studies show clear relationships between memory decline and individuals getting either TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE sleep.  In fact, routinely getting less than 6 hours or greater than 8 hours nightly appear to trigger greater memory deficits as we age.

These observations likely stem from some of the latest theories on memory which suggest memories require processing that occurs during specific portions of sleep.  Insomnia leads to limited “processing” windows and therefore a progression of perceived memory decline.

When experiencing a  disease,  insomnia can have a dramatic effect on outcomes.   In the May 2nd, 2014 edition of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine research reported a dramatic improvement in advanced breast cancer survival in women with “Efficient” sleep ratios.  (Sleep Ratio = Effective sleep / Time in bed)  The improved mortality numbers were dramatic (68.9 months survival vs 33.2 months for insomniacs!!)


Quality sleep leads to improved immune function, greater vitality, and resilience.  Poor sleep exacerbates multiple diseases and can independently worsen many.  If you have specific

Stay tuned to the NRGTRIBE.com.  In part two I’m going to cover typical causes of insomnia as well as ways you can improve sleep naturally.




Listener Feedback Podcast 11/10/2014

You asked the questions….finally got out the answers.  I spent part of the week away from the office learning permaculture techniques for sustainable food production.  I met some talented individuals and learned a great deal about how to produce my own food.

It was inspiring to see how so many of the workshop participants utilized home food production to improve their health.

Thanks for the show questions…keep them coming.

SHOW NOTES:   Listen Here

1) 1’23”  –Pros and Cons to NSAID usage

2) 6′ 33” –Is an elliptical machine good for use when suffering plantar fasciitis?

3) 10′ 10″–Ebola–Observations on US cases and “How concerned you should be?”

4) 18′ 02″–Weight loss Tips….Resource = NRG Diet & Lifestyle Compass

5) 23’44” –Exercise Benefits for Elderly (And everyone else for that matter).



Listener Feedback Podcast (10/16/2014)

Your questions are answered here!  Thanks for the great topics.  Keep questions coming for future episodes.  

Today we covered:  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

1)Risks and Benefits of using inversion table for chronic back or neck problems?  (1’55”)

2)Does Low Dose Naltrexone therapy benefit those suffering with autoimmune disease? (6’21”)

3)What are my thoughts on essential oil therapy? (12’27”)

4)Does a positive Qualitivative Hepatitis B surface antibody test mean I have hepatitis B? (18′)