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COVID 19 Update 6/26/2020: Limited Outpatient Testing


Episode Details

Dr. Curtis updates the community on shortages of outpatient testing for COVID 19.

He also provides some practical thoughts on what to do when testing is not available and reasonable steps to take for clinical diagnosis of COVID 19

If you want to follow the discussion or ask questions, join up in the Future Focus Health Network — Covid 19 Topic


COVID 19 Update: Thoughts on the Second Wave

William Curtis, MD

Episode Highlights:

In this short podcast, Dr. Curtis shares his insights and experience treating COVID-19 cases in the recent second wave of community spread.

In this episode, you will hear practical discussion and rationale thoughts on what you can and can’t do about the spread of Covid-19.

In the closing minutes, Dr. Curtis also answers questions submitted by folks in the Future Focus Health Network.

If you haven’t explored this growing, positive, health, and lifestyle-related community—Check it out!

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Never spam, always positive, and focused on real health, lifestyle, and human performance topics.


COVID 19 Update: What are you doing with MARGIN?

“You must create more margin so you have room for what’s important, not merely urgent.”

Michael Hyatt
Listen HERE

Margin is this time, and mental head-space needed to look up from day to day activities and understand where we are, what our real priorities are, and assess the course of our lives.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of that for us lately…

Listen in on this important reminder to use margin, build margin and maintain margin.

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Purposeful Rest

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COVID 19 Update: Supplements that Help Boost Immunity

William Curtis, MD
Covid 19 MO

Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.

Dorothy Thompson

I was recently asked which supplement I thought might be most beneficial for boosting immunity and preparing to fight viral illnesses during the recent COVID 19 Pandemic.

So often, I believe people get overwhelmed by differing opinions–take this take that.

This post represents my attempt at helping people who trust my opinion to prepare themselves.

Though I will discuss supplements, let us not forget how the human body builds immunity, repairs, and rejuvenates itself


Research is very clear, 7-9 hours of sleep is essential. Anything less and inflammation, immune function, cancer prevention, stress, and hormone balance decline. Please, turn off cell phones, TV’s, media fast, and give yourself the opportunity to take the important step of allowing yourself 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep.


Sugar, Soda, Alcohol, fruit juice, pastries, candy and all forms of processed, carbohydrate laden foods suppress immunity. Give your body the best chance against viruses by limiting these addictive and harmful foods. As best as you can, eat vegetables, meat, and good fats. These are the foods that help us repair, defend, and win against outside bodily invaders. A strong immunity requires minerals, vitamins, proteins, and good fats.


Movement and exercise have shown to have massive influence on heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and yes immune function. Regular aerobic exercise is fundamental to keeping our immunity maximal. During this pandemic, consider walking or light calisthenics 5-6 x per week. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. Remember any physical activity helps. Sedentary people get sick more, have more chronic ailments and die more frequently. Get Moving!


First, I tend to recommend food based supplements. Better yet, get most of your vitamins from food if you can. But, circumstances may limit access to quality food.

I recommend, in order of importance, the following supplements to help prevent illness during flu season and to prevent or reduce effects of COVID-19

Each of these have a therapeutic rationale for improving health, thereby boosting bodily immunity.


When in doubt, take a quality food based multi-vitamin. These were designed to fill in the gaps in the modern diet. My favorite is CATALYN. Made by Standard Process, I typically recommend this product to everyone. I normally recommend 3-6 tablets daily.


“Good Bacteria” serve as the first line of defense in our body. A tiny layer of bacteria live in the lining of our digestive tract. Introducing probiotics builds a healthy layer of defense against outside invaders. Combined with a health diet, may be the most powerful way to fight outside invaders.

My favorite pro-biotic, though there are many high quality pro-biotics, is ACIDOPHILUS 4×6 Billion, made by NOW PRODUCTS. I normally recommend 1-2 daily.


This key mineral shortens the course of viral illnesses and helps prevent them. This is especially true when taken within 24 hours of the onset of a virus (Like COVID 19). This is a Category A recommendation based on 13 randomized controlled trials. It works, use it.

Personally I prefer ZINC LIVER CHELATE (Food based version of zinc from Standard Process) 3 daily recommended


Do the little things– they matter.

Maintain a positive attitude.

Maintain social-distancing until we receive the all clear.

Protect and support older friends and family.

Do with less, serve others and we shall all get through this situation.

IF you would like more information or my team to mail you the supplements suggested, call 361-387-3500.


Q&A Session

Recently I put an open call-out on the NRGTRIBE.com Facebook Page looking for YOUR questions! This post is part one of the two-part series to get your questions answered. As you listen, check out the show notes for any special links I mentioned, supplements or reference sites.

Push Play and Let the Learning Begin

Show Notes

In this post, I cover the following topics

  • Thyroid Health (@2min)
  • How Thyroid Health & Adrenal Health tie together (@5min)
  • What to do to prevent or treat early Alzheimer’s disease (@13min)
  • Keto diet vs Paleo Diet: Which is more sustainable? (@20min)
  • Supplements: How many are too many? (@23min)

Links Mentioned

Wcurtismdonline.com (Killing Diabetes Course)


Stress & Health

Supplements Mentioned

Symplex M/F, Thyroid Complex, Prolamine, Cod liver oil

Medications Mentioned

Aricept, Namenda

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

–Kofi Annan