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5-Point Friday 1/6/2017

I hope your week finds you strong and moving towards better health, productivity, and fitness!

1)Thought of Day:

It is more necessary for the soul to be cured than the body; for it is better to die than to live badly.


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80/20 Priniciple Applied to Inflammation



Do you have joint pain, migraines, leaky gut, fatigue, memory problems, insomnia, or simply just feel bad?

If so, consider the following steps to improve inflammation–the common pathway of all DIS-EASE.

1)Don’t eat sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners

2)Do not eat gluten products (Link for Gluten Free concepts)

3)Add quality fats to diet (eggs, nuts, grass-fed meats, fish, fish oils, coconut oil, avocados, and more)

4)Avoid common food allergens (Dairy, wheat, corn, soy)


You can find mountains of information on the internet supporting these recommendations.  Many prominent resources can supply you with greater details behind each recommendation.

Clinically, I always look for the common themes.  The above recommendations “Fix” so many clinical ailments I encourage everyone to explore these ideas more.




Eliminating Wheat and Sugar Can Improve Autoimmunity



Ever wonder whether food contributes to disease?

You should.

My posts on the NRGTRIBE.com represent many of my clinical observations day after day, year after year.

One thing I can say for certain, wheat, sugar, and grain based foods trigger autoimmunity.   [continue reading…]

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Perfection is not the Goal

I treat a lot of patients every week.  We often talk life, nutrition, fitness, and stress management.  Each patient has a unique experience but often shares a common theme.  Many struggle with consistency and motivation.  Sometimes the struggles are emotional, physical, and socially driven (Marital stresses, addictions, grief, financial woes, and work stress always rank high) [continue reading…]


Back Pain Podcast

I treat some shape or form of back pain in clinic everyday.

This podcast was originally recorded during the 1440 Keys to Health segment of the Bob Jones show.

I cover various health, wellness, lifestyle and performance topics on this show most Friday mornings from 7-8 AM.

During this 45 min episode Bob and I discuss back pain in depth.

Though the episode is live radio, I tried to help listeners understand basic considerations, red flags symptoms, and appropriate workup for different types of back pain.

Hope this topic helps you and spurs thought.  Feel free to ask questions below.

BACK PAIN PODCAST (approx 45min)