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Goal Tending: 6 Week Basic Fitness Plan

This Goal Tending fitness primer is intended for those trying to get active again.  Maybe you are dramatically overweight or have ailments that limit mobility.   The idea behind this post is to give a detailed starting point.  You can modify the activities slightly if necessary including decreasing repetitions or sets depending on your capability.  The point is to give some structure, some goals, and GET MOVING.

The Olympus Project

Experiments in nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle.


Numerous studies over the last several years describe the incredible benefits of even light exercise 2-3 days weekly.  Cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, back pain, and all cause mortality all yield statistically to light regular exercise.


Researchers such as Cardiologist James O’Keefe have gathered significant data about both the benefits of routine moderate exercise on longevity and the hazards of exercise extremes.  Those who do not find time for physical activity have increased health problems and those with extreme endurance exercise patterns have nearly as many health problems, statistically, over time.


More is not necessarily better.


 So here would be some reasonable goals for this program:



Goal Tending:  6 week goals

  1. Increase mobility, flexibility, strength so that basic daily activities are not a chore
  2. Improve balance and stamina
  3. Lose 5-10 pounds through increase in activity
  4. To prepare my joints for more vigorous exercise programs in the coming weeks
  5. Decrease stress and improve mental clarity


Prior to Day #1:  Perform Basic Benchmark test, bio-metric measurements (measure waist, hips, thighs, chest, neck), record your weight and body fat% if available.


Week #1

Day # 1
  • Walk 20 min (comfortable pace)

2 rounds (No time limit)

  • 10 push ups / or plank x 10 secs
  • 15 air squats
  • 20 sit-ups/or abdominal crunches
Day #2

3 rounds (no time limit)

  • 10 lunges
  • 10 push ups / or plank x 10 sec
  • 30 seconds of Hollow Rocks
Day #3
  • Walk 20-25 min faster pace than Day #1
  • Stretch 10-15 min focusing on sore spots
Day # 4
  • REST
Day # 5

3 Reps (No time limit)

  • Push ups / or plank x 10 sec
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 15 crunches or Sit-ups
Day #6
  • Walk/Stationary Bike/or Row 25 min at comfortable pace
  • REST


WEEK # 2

Day # 1
  • Walk 25 min (comfortable pace)

3 rounds (No time limit)

  • 10 push ups / or plank x 10 secs
  • 15 air squats
  • 20 sit-ups/or abdominal crunches


Day #2

3 rounds (no time limit)

  • 10 lunges
  • 10 push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 60 seconds of Hollow Rocks


Day #3
  • Walk 20-25 min faster pace than Day #1
  • Stretch 10-15 min focusing on sore spots


Day # 4
  • REST


Day # 5

3 Reps (No time limit)

  • 10 Push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 15 crunches or Sit-ups


Day #6
  • Walk/Stationary Bike/or Row 25 min at comfortable pace


  • REST


Week # 3


Day # 1
  • Walk 30 min (comfortable pace)

3 rounds (No time limit)

  • 15 push ups / or plank x 15 secs
  • 20 air squats
  • 20 sit-ups/or abdominal crunches


Day #2

3 rounds (no time limit)

  • 15 lunges
  • 15 push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 60 seconds of Hollow Rocks


Day #3
  • Walk 30 min faster pace than Day #1
  • Stretch 10-15 min focusing on sore spots


Day # 4
  • REST


Day # 5

4 Reps (No time limit)

  • 10 Push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 15 crunches or Sit-ups


Day #6
  • Walk/Stationary Bike/or Row 30 min at comfortable pace


  • REST


Week # 4


Day # 1
  • Walk 30 min (comfortable pace)
  •  Kettle Bell / Dumb bell swings 2 x 10 reps (Use proper form)  Keep weight at less than 20 pounds!


Day #2

3 rounds (no time limit)

  • 15 lunges
  • 15 push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 60 seconds of Hollow Rocks (total time)


Day #3
  • Walk 30 min faster pace than Day #1
  • Stretch 10-15 min focusing on sore spots
  • Kettle Bell Swings / or Dumbell swings 2 x 10 reps (proper form) 18o sec rest (less than 20 pounds)


Day # 4
  • REST


Day # 5

4 Reps (No time limit)

  • 10 Push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 15 crunches or Sit-ups


Day #6
  • Walk/Stationary Bike/or Row 30 min at comfortable pace


  • REST


Week # 5


Day # 1
  • Walk 45 min (comfortable pace)
  •  Kettle Bell / Dumb bell swings 2 x 10 reps (Use proper form)  Keep weight at less than 20 pounds!


Day #2

4 rounds (no time limit)

  • 15 lunges
  • 15 push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 60 seconds of Hollow Rocks (total time)


Day #3
  • Walk 30 min faster pace than Day #1
  • Stretch 10-15 min focusing on sore spots
  • Kettle Bell Swings / or Dumbell swings 2 x 10 reps (proper form) 18o sec rest (less than 20 pounds)


Day # 4
  • REST


Day # 5

4 Reps (No time limit)

  • 10 Push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 20 Air Squats
  • 15 crunches or Sit-ups


Day #6
  • Walk/Stationary Bike/or Row 35 min at comfortable pace


  • REST


Week # 6


Day # 1
  • Walk 45 min (comfortable pace)
  • Kettle Bell / Dumb bell swings 2 x 10 reps (Use proper form)  Keep weight at less than 20 pounds!


Day #2

4 rounds (no time limit)

  • 15 lunges
  • 15 push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 60 seconds of Hollow Rocks (total time)


Day #3
  • Walk 30 min faster pace than Day #1
  • Stretch 10-15 min focusing on sore spots
  • Kettle Bell Swings / or Dumbell swings 2 x 10 reps (proper form) 18o sec rest (less than 20 pounds)


Day # 4
  • REST


Day # 5

4 Reps (No time limit)

  • 10 Push ups / or plank x 15 sec
  • 20 Air Squats
  • 15 crunches or Sit-ups


Day #6
  • Walk/Stationary Bike/or Row 35 min at comfortable pace


  • REST


WEEK # 7


Day # 1


Repeat  Basic Benchmark test.  Bio-metric measurements, (measure waist, hips, thighs, chest, neck), record your weight and body fat% if available.  Compare results to Pre-6 week program numbers.


If the workouts listed were too difficult, restart from the beginning.


If the workouts were too easy, repeat the program but increase the reps, intensity, and speed by 25%  (AS TOLERATED)


Make sure to take the rest days!


You can change the order of the routines but make sure to fit in all workouts for maximal progress.


Look for more advanced workouts and recommendations in the coming weeks.


I appreciate any feedback and progress my readers and patients make with this program.








{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Milly February 25, 2014, 5:03 pm

    Very do-able. Had never tried hollowrocks (or even heard of them). Seem to be a great move for core. I’m excited to start a workout program that is balanced & will help & not hinder the chronic pain. Update in 6 weeks!

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